• Writing post

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  • Thinky thoughts

    I interviewed for teaching as an adjunct at the local community college last week. I wasn’t nervous. Part of the reason why is that I hadn’t planned on getting a job (and this is one class–not full time or anything).…

  • Happy News!

    I can now let the cat out of the bag. (Though why anyone would have a cat in a bag is a big question. A box, sure. Cats love boxes, but a bag?) I have sold two books to Belle…

  • A post is made

    I got writing done today. It was the most focused writing day I’ve had in awhile. Felt almost like I was back to normal. Of course keeping the children out was nearly impossible. School starts in a month. I’m holding…

  • That good ole beginning

    I always have psychological trouble with beginnings. Even though I KNOW it’s not set in stone and that I’ll go back and revise it and probably it will vanish forever and be replaced with something else, I always have trouble…

  • Bread dough theory of writing

    I’ve often thought that some stories are made like bread dough, one made with a starter. First you stir in the ingredients to make the starter and feed it for awhile and let it bubble and ferment. Then eventually it’s…

  • Jiggety Jig

    We made the trip to Oregon and back in four days, plus unloaded the cargo trailer and did the Jayfest signing at Powells. Whew. I’m a little tired and yet have to get right back to work. The good news…

  • Character killing

    As those of you who watch The Game of Thrones, this week showcased The Red Wedding scene. If you haven’t scene the episode or read the books, you probably don’t want to keep reading. Not that I’ve watched it, but…

  • It’s dog shedding time

    I’ve not got much news, I’m afraid. School ended, and nothing so far has come from the showing this week. My folks arrived early, so that’s been wonderful. Weather is good. Thought we might get a thunderstorm today, but it…

  • And counting

    One day down, two days left of this semester. Did my last faculty senate meeting today. That’s six years out of seven that I’ve served. I’m ready for a break. Kind of interested in a different committee though. Might talk…