Brain Fatigue
I was talking with a friend today about the concept of brain fatigue. This is when your brain slows down, becomes uncreative, thinking is labor intensive and so very difficult, and you’re walking around in a fog and you’re forgetful.…
Diamond City Magic 5
Hello everyone! I’m sorry I’ve been off the radar. I’ve been getting my son ready for college, running around with my daughter for band, dealing with a very sick dog, going to the emergency room with my son who dislocated…
Di Versus . . . Whatever
Once again, I have lost. Was walking the dogs today in a lovely big park with tons of oak trees, a creek, lots of meadows and tall grasses, and squirrels. Lots of squirrels. The dogs find these highly entertaining and…
Spring is Springing
Usually this time of year I’m ready to dig into the garden and grow things. This year . . . not so much. Part of that is because I can’t do any garden things until we put up a dog…
Dog Battles
The battle to a) not get bitten by Merlin, b)teach him not to bite, c) keep him supremely occupied and entertained, is ongoing. He’s doing better in a lot of ways. We’re also giving him a calming treat with some…
It’s been a hard few weeks
It’s been tough at the Francis house for the last month or so. First there was a situation with my daughter at school. That’s ongoing but hopefully working out. Then one of our corgi boys died. We took him to…
That is, I’m feeling crazy. I’ve had so much going on. My husband has been looking for a job and having a bunch of interviews. We’re getting work done at the house again. I’m close to deadline and behind. I’ve…
Things that are going on
A lot has been happening recently, some good, some bad. I want to thank those of you who’ve contacted me with such positive encouragement on my books. I love you so much. I’m 8 weeks post op, and I feel…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…
Day 6 post surgery
I ITCH!!! And I cannot scratch. Misery, thy name is itchiness. But it is a sign of healing. I’ve been out walking today and I feel pretty good but for the itching. Other than that, not a lot new to…