Free Conference On Writing!
I’m taking part in a free conference on writing hosted by Weeknight Writers. It’s titled Storycrafting Sessions: Drafting. It’s a day long and I’m on the last panel, which is about how to craft a satisfying ending. While we all…
Merlin Says The Floor Is Lava
And so, because the floor is lava, Merlin must sit on the chair.
It’s March and It’s Rainowing Here in the PNW
Yep, we have rain and snow and rain-snow and snow-rain. At least I got the dogs out to run today without a ton of falling wetness. Go me! My taxes are nearly done. And by that I mean nearly organized…
Let’s Talk About George Santos…as a fictional character
By now everybody has probably heard something about George Santos, the congress critter from New York who may or may not be actually named George Santos. He’s lied about, well, everything as far as I can tell. From his family…
Book Giveaway! Enter to Win
Yep, you can win books and an e-reader. All you have to do is CLICK HERE and you’ll go to the sign up page. Good luck!
Orchid Growing in a Teva Planter
I supported this kickstarter for Teva Planters quite awhile ago. Like pre-Covid. The planters arrived in October, I think, but I didn’t plant anything because I was giving one away for an Xmas present and didn’t want my boyo to…
About Me and About Patreon and my Patreon Tiers: I’m looking for feedback
Hello Everyone! I have been doing a lot of work on myself of late through therapy, and through this class I’m taking from Becca Syme, which helps identify my personal strengths and weakness as a writer and learn to lean…
The New Year Is New
Hello everybody!! I’ve been doing tons of things and not reporting in here. So business as usual. LOL. I had a great holiday. It was relatively quiet and because I got on top of some things earlier than usual (aka…
Why Do You Read My Books
I want to know why readers read my books so that I can figure out ways to get my books into new readers' hands: why do you read my books
Beck #3 Snippet aka Everyday Disasters Snippet
It’s actually Beck #2 and Putting the Chic in Psychic is #1.5, but it’s easier to say three. But anyhow, this made me giggle, so I decided to share this snippet. Actually, to be fair, it’s more of a cackle…