• Tuesday Things

    I have been having such a hard time writing. In fact, I’ve been stuck in entropy. I don’t want to do anything at all, to be accurate. So in order to get out of entropy, I’ve been attacking house tasks…

  • Bug Bites at a Wedding

    Now that could be a good book title. Bug Bites at a Wedding. Ever notice that there are no were-bugs out there really? Or spiders? Shellfish? Most fish, really, when you get down to it. Maybe whales and dolphins, but…

  • New Book and New Tattoos

    Putting the Chic in Psychic is out and hopefully people are liking it. I always hit this point of walking around sort of waving my hands around helplessly as I wait to hear from readers. It’s excessively silly and nerve…

  • A Review of One Wolf Next Door

    Hello Everybody! I sometimes do some reviews of books I get off Netgalley. To be honest, I only do those I can say something good about because I don’t like tearing down another author’s book publicly unless I am taking…

  • New Stuff on Patreon

    I want to drop this in here really quickly in case you want to be there for the Zoom call: I finished a flash piece on Patreon and will be hosting a writing Zoom call on Thursday, April 20, at…

  • Flights of Foundry Free Conference

    Flights of Foundry is an international conference that takes places twenty-four hours a day so  no matter what time zone you’re in, there’s something good for you to experience. I participated last year and have a number of panels this…