Sunday Morning Coming Down
Ah, love me some Johnny Cash (via Kris Kristofferson with that song). Today I got work done on the WIP. Have fully slipped into edit mode and have been chopping, reshaping, snipping, and rethinking. I hate to say it…
Moon Called Book Club Discussion
Today we are here to discuss Moon Called by the Fabulous Patty Briggs. Some of you will have read it long ago and maybe read it many times since. Some may have never picked it up. It’s a fact that…
pace pace pace pace
Pacing up and down. We had someone come and take a second look at the house. First came a few days ago. Must. Not. Get. Hopes. Up. Distraction, need distraction. Everybody reading Moon Called? Looking forward to our discussion tomorrow.
The Winner
Wow, you all made that a really difficult contest. I had a tough time picking a winner, but I decided on Ken because I loved the story and it totally made me think about those summers nights when I was…
Grass and torture devices
I love Sheri Tepper’s Grass. It’s a really good book on a lot of levels. If you haven’t read it, you should. Part of the novel involves riding these native animals for long distances for long periods of time. The…
Book Club Selection
And the next book club reading selection for March 2nd, is Moon Called by Patty Briggs. Voting went: Moon Called IIIII IIII Temping II Between IIII Alchemystic III Unholy Ghosts III Now let’s hope everyone can read and be there…
Vote on a book for Book Club
What do you suppose the first rule of Book Club is? It can’t be that we don’t talk about it. I mean, what’s the point of book club if we don’t talk? Incidentally, it’s been a night of drama at…
On the Roller Coaster Again plus a snippet
Somebody is coming to look at the house tomorrow. This is where I frantically clean (actually the house was mostly ready, but I did work on the kids’ rooms and some straightening. I will do some kitchen maintenance in the…
Call for Book Club Nominees
All right then. Time to take on more nominees for the next reading round. I’m so excited! Unless it doesn’t seem workable, I’d like to do the next discussion on March 2nd. Since Magic Study was more of a traditional…
It was a really good game. Actually, the first half sort of put me to sleep, but the second half–wow. It was wild. I was rooting for the 49ers, but I couldn’t be sorry for the Ravens winning. The second…