Orycon schedule and Powells book signing
This weekend is Orycon! Here’s my schedule: Moderator indicated by (*) Diana Pharaoh Francis Reading Grant Fri Nov 8 5:00pm-5:30pm Diana Pharaoh Francis reads from own works Diana Pharaoh Francis Autograph session 3…
Crosspointe, Trace of Magic, Ticks, Pie!
I had a good weekend and busy. Lots of cooking and baking. Made hot apple cider, too, with sliced oranges, cranberries, cloves, and cinnamon sticks. Tasty. It went well with the pumpkin pie and all the rest. Unfortunately, boy of…
Whoooosh! and the day goes by
Got up this morning (a big triumph) and went to Safeway and Costco. Walked through all of Costco and good thing I did because they had some summer sausage in. Compared to the grocery store, it’s cheap as hell and…
I am not at Worldcon
Nor am I at DragonCon. But it appears that Worldcon will be in Spokane in 2015, run by some very good conrunners, and I will be registering shortly for it. It will be called Sasquan (so I will be among…
This last weekend was Miscon. It was spectacular. I love this con. It’s growing by leaps and bounds. It’s incredibly well-run, super friendly, and in a lovely setting. I had a blast. The panels were immensely well attended. At least…
Finally, a Norwescon report
The bad news is that the Man left today. I am unhappy as are the kids. I also did some cleaning and laundry today. Yesterday we had dinner with friends, which was a lot of fun, and we also made…
Spring yard cleaning
With improved health, the man and I have been doing work around the house. Because there are green leaves on things. GREEN!!! My roses are leafing out. Yes, I grow roses in Montana. And I have a grape and gooseberries.…
I am still feeling awful, so I can’t do a full con report at this point. We made the trip and spent the night at S.A. Bolich’s house in Spokane. The next day we got to the hotel later than…
Home again
I am home, exhausted and feeling sickly. Not sure why. Started yesterday. Hoping it’s nothing. Norwescon was lovely fun. I only wish I could have found a way to spent more time with people by going to parties, but with…
I survived! and my Norwescon Schedule
I survived the sleepover. Except that girlie now has what you might euphemistically call intestinal distress. By which I mean I’m washing a lot of clothes and her sheets (that I incidentally watched just yesterday) because, well, it got ugly,…