Bake fail
I made cinnamon rolls, which were tasty, except they didn’t cook all the way through. I’m not sure what happened. I don’t know if my oven wasn’t cooking properly, if the pan I used (which was an insulated jelly roll…
This may come across as vaguebooking. I just want to say that being a mom some days is harder than I feel like I can manage. I feel I’m down in a hole I can’t climb out of. As a…
Holiday prep
Is everybody else behind on holiday prep? Because I would totally like to think I wasn’t the only one. We meant to get a tree today, as the weather isn’t going to be cooperative any other day, but because of…
As the Writing Turns
Does your life ever feel like a soap opera? Mine, too. But not so much this last week. More like a bad comedy. I write in my office downstairs in my house. Last week, in the morning (of course) the…
What a week it’s been
The sick continues. Last night was . . . hell. Girlie woke me up at 11:43 having explosively vomited. She’s got quite the messy room and didn’t make it out of bed, so yeah. First it was clean up in…
When the flu is not the flu
I reported the other day that the man had come down with the flu. The boy and I came down with symptoms and all of us continue to be plagued by them. I called to let the boy’s school know…
The aftermath
A rain storm moved in just in time for trick or treating in our neighborhood and even though usually we get swarmed by kids getting driven into our neighborhood and so on (last year we ended up with 200), this…
Um, wha–?
I get this email from, as I do every day, with the word of the day. That word is taphephobia, which is an abnormal fear of being buried alive. Um, define abnormal fear here. Cause personally, I can say…
catching up with myself
that’s actually not true. I haven’t caught up at all with myself. The girlie was sick a bit last week and I may have had a touch of her fever. Anyhow, my back is still crappy and I need to…
Body hurts
Friday the kids had the day off from school and so the man took the day off and we went to central Oregon to look for limb cast. Those are agates formed when hot ash covers wood after a volcanic…