Miscon and black eyes
Just got back from Montana. Specifically, went to Miscon, the absolutely best con in the world. Well run, and fun people. Love it. I had to miss last year and was so sad about that. Justin Barba–the Con chair–runs a…
On the road again
I’m off to Miscon! It’s my favorite con. It’s in Missoula, MT, and it’s going to be lovely fun. I’ve decided. Plus they make my favorite beer around there–Coldsmoke Scotch Ale. I’m going to have swag, if anybody reading is…
recapping the weekend
There’s too much that happened to actually mention it all, so I shall attempt to sum up. I went up to Seattle last Weds and spent the night with friends and then the next morning, we loaded up the party…
Miscon thus far
Miscon so far has been a huge delight. Not that I’m surprised, but I love this con more and more. I left Weds. to travel to Seattle to Andrea Howe’s place where several of us spent the night after eating…
Updatery on a Tuesday
Wow, I thought it was Monday. We have a potential diagnosis on my son. I’m not convinced it’s the problem because I’ve had raised hopes before and I had them totally dashed. So I’m trying to not let that happen.…
My Miscon schedule
Fri 5:00 – 5:50 PM, Writing Strong, Believable Women, Great Hall (Upstairs) Fri 7:00 – 7:50 PM, Getting Into Character, Great Hall (Upstairs) Sat 1:00 – 1:50 PM, Anti-Hero, Hero, or Villain?, Containment Room (Upstairs) Sat 7:00 – 7:50 PM,…
accumulation of stuff
That title isn’t all that accurate. I’m not talking about actual stuff, but stuff I wanted to talk about. And life. The first thing is odd. I was driving home from Norwescon and saw a billboard that said “Jesus died…
Tight as a tick
Stuffed myself tight as a tick for dinner. Last night of having my folks in town. Probably don’t need to eat for a few days now. But it was worth it. My dog has a sore in his armpit (front…
Queen of the Iron Throne
While at Miscon, I got to sit on the Iron Throne. Here are a couple of the pics. All Hail and Obey me!
Rolling Stone and me
Okay, it’s not exactly the cover, and my name isn’t there, and really the panel was not about the silver screen but about monsters. Still, I am on the Rolling Stone website with George R. R. Martin.