Sirens Anthology Release Day
This is a really cool anthology that I wanted to share with you. I asked Cynthia, one of the contributors and one of the people who came up with the idea of the anthology, to come and talk to you…
Link roundup
I am over the moon to say that Eloisa James likes my books! In an interview, she says so. I’m so very excited!!!! In other news, Path of Fate is on sale this month on Amazon for $1.99. If you…
For no particular reason, I started looking at poisons today. I figure it’s something I’ll stash in the back of my head for future writing use. The one I discovered today is Thallium Nitrate, which is odorless, colorless and tasteless.…
What I’ve been up to
I went to Westercon last weekend and it was a lot of fun. Had some great panels with some terrific people and the audiences were attentive and smart and asked great questions. Pretty much a perfect storm of panels. And…
Magic day
There’s something magic about the solstice and on top of that, a full moon, too. For me, it’s all stirred into the fact that today is my birthday. I don’t have big plans. Mostly to write and to catch up…
Book Reviews: The Good and the Not So Good
Both of these books came from Netgalley. First, the good. I’ve read some Janet Evanovich before, but I’m not a regular reader. I have enjoyed her stuff, though, and I thought Curious Minds, by Evanovich and Phoef Sutton, sounded fun.…
I started out the year reading a whole bunch and then this month I’ve not been reading that much. In fact, only one book in the last couple of weeks. Finished it today. I didn’t really like it–it wasn’t particularly…
Back in the saddle again
I came back from the writing retreat having written 32, 281 words in basically 3.5 days. I am completely stunned. I have never written that much in that little time, ever. I worked on the sequel to The Incubus Job…
Not entirely a book review, but it is
I just finished the third book in Lisa Shearin’s SPI files. They are so fun. I read the first one, The Grendel Affair, when it first came out. I bought the second, The Dragon Conspiracy, and then somehow forgot about…
Book Review: Thinning the Heard by Adrian Phoenix
Received from Netgalley Thinning the Herd by Adrian Phoenix is a damned fun book. You’re going to want to read this one. Before I tell you why, let’s start with the back of the book description: From the New York…