Book review: Killer Run by Lynn Cahoon
I managed to read most of this book while waiting at my son’s doctors appointments yesterday. Received from NetGalley Killer Run by Lynn Cahoon is the fifth in her Tourist Trap mystery series. I’ve not read any of the earlier…
Book review: Jane Casey’s Hide and Seek
I received this book from Net Galley. After reading Jane Casey’s The Kill, I was curious about Hide and Seek. I wondered how her writing skills would translate into writing YA, so I was eager to read this book, and…
Book Review: Minutes to Kill by Melinda Leigh
I received this book from NetGalley. Minutes to Kill is the second book in a romantic suspense series. The first book is entirely unnecessary to reading and enjoying this one, however. The story revolves around Hannah Barrette. After a corporate…
Book review: Last Shot by Eve Gaddy
I gave this book five stars. I received this book from NetGalley. I so thoroughly enjoyed this Last Shot by Eve Gaddy. I couldn’t put it down, in fact. It’s a romance with a mystery. Nick is a homicide cop…
Book Review: Alive by Scott Sigler
First, the caveat. I got this book from Netgalley as an advanced reader copy. This is one of those books that makes you think. It makes you consider what you’d do in the same situation, and it makes you consider…
Finishing books
I have always finished books that I’ve started. It’s an innate sense of obligation that I have to. I have no idea what engendered that need in me, but I wonder if as I’ve become a writer, it’s partly the…
David Coe’s Spell Blind
As I mentioned last week or so, I read David Coe’s Spell Blind. I really enjoyed it. It’s a murder mystery/police procedural/noir/fantasy novel with great characters and well-developed relationships. I can’t wait to see how they play out. There’s Justis’…
the mucous recedes . . . ish
The cold is a lot better. I’m still coughing and my head is thick, but at least things are improving. I would like to be completely well, though. Just in case the cold germs want to just get the heck…
John Hartness is raising hell in the new year
Hi folks! Happy first day of 2015!! I want to introduce you to someone. Everyone, this is John Hartness. John, this is everyone: John is a writer. A good one. An entertaining one. I downloaded his recent The Black Knight…
Chop wood, carry water
Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. Which is to say, I finished Edge of Dreams, sequel to Trace of Magic, and now must begin the last Crosspointe book, which may or may not be…