writing endings and John Pitts
I finished a chapter today (the one I thought was the last chapter in this book) and promptly started the next last chapter. This ending is one that I’m discovering as I go. I’m feeling my way and it’s frustrating…
All Gone
Over the past few days I’ve sorted through all my books. I’ve shelved a bunch and I’ve boxed a bunch to get rid of. I haven’t dug through my research books as I haven’t got those shelves set up, but…
Jamie Lee Moyer on Serial Killers
As I’ve mentioned before, Jamie Lee Moyer has written Delia’s Shadow, a fabulous historical fantasy set in post-earthquake San Francisco. It has amazing characters, a real tangible and textured sense of history and place, romance, crime, ghosts, and a serial…
ch ch ch changes
In the year that we lived apart (the man and the rest of us), my son developed Xbox skills that he didn’t have before and so now the man and boy are whomping on each other in hockey and the…
Tasty books
I just read Delia’s Shadow by Jamie Lee Moyer. It is so freaking good. It’s set in post earthquake/fire San Francisco. There are ghosts and a serial killer and I loved it. In other news, I’m writing up a storm…
Bleedy bleedy bleedy and appearances
If I was a knight and I was required to swing a sword, I’d probably have no legs. Or arms. Pretty much I’d be the Monty Python Black Knight. Sigh. Reading Laura Anne Gilman‘s Heart of Briar. It’s pretty damned…
Damn and Damn Again
The news worsens with my friend with spinal meningitis/encephalitis. She has a blood clot in her leg and has been sent to Salt Lake City. Because she also has a brain bleed, treatment is tricky. Praying hard for her. On…
Character killing
As those of you who watch The Game of Thrones, this week showcased The Red Wedding scene. If you haven’t scene the episode or read the books, you probably don’t want to keep reading. Not that I’ve watched it, but…
Reading and Food and Orchids
I really hadn’t realized how little reading I’ve been doing of late. I buy tons of books and then don’t end up reading them. So my TBR stacks of actual books and ebooks are really large. Massive. Enormous. Anyhow, I…
A bizzard? Really?
We had a blizzard today. A thunder blizzard. It didn’t last long, but we had whiteout conditions and meanwhile the thunder was just rolling. It was pretty cool actually, but mostly because I was in the house, not outside trying…