• books and more books

    I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I am not going to be doing any more academic research or teaching in my area of specialty. That doesn’t mean I won’t be reading and enjoying what I love,…

  • shelf happiness and a dilemma

    Today we slept uber late and then I went to Costco where I spent a lot of time. Go figure. I saw someone come out with a bag of dog food. Just a bag of dog food. I think they…

  • Weird days

    I wrote nearly 4k words today. Keep in mind I’m almost at the end of the book and I still don’t quite know the ending. I do have some strong ideas, and that’s better than where I was the other…

  • ch ch ch changes

    In the year that we lived apart (the man and the rest of us), my son developed Xbox skills that he didn’t have before and so now the man and boy are whomping on each other in hockey and the…

  • bye bye days

    The days are just rushing by, aren’t they? In a good way. Kids brought home disease already and I caught it today. Trying not to succumb. The man went and bought me some sprite. It’s good to be married to…

  • dribbling by the day

    Here’s where I’m at for Trace of Magic. If all goes well, I’ll be done in 3-4 weeks. So far I’m pretty happy with it. I haven’t read it as a whole yet, so that could change. It’s also got…

  • Waxing and waning

    For the first time I have hit a spot in this novel where the scene isn’t working. I know what the problem is. One of the characters isn’t coming through fully here, so it’s feeling very flat and plastic. On…

  • choices

    I’m working on something that’s period young adult. To be specific, it’s set in 1788 England. If I were going to do it right, I’d have a lot of language that isn’t understandable to a modern YA audience. It would…

  • Pathetique

    Am I all kinds of pathetic for being irritated that on Amazon, Shadow City has 29 reviews and it can’t get just one more to break even? And why am I even obsessing about this? Lots of new great books…

  • merrily we write

    I had some great news this week, and that is The Hollow Crown finally reverted back to me. I have another publisher who wishes to reissue and finish the series. We’re working out details now, but hopefully I’ll have an…