• plonking along

    My parents have come to visit for about a week and a half (well they’ve been here a few of days already) so I’ve been off having a good time with them. Also my SIL was in town for work…

  • All Gone

    Over the past few days I’ve sorted through all my books. I’ve shelved a bunch and I’ve boxed a bunch to get rid of. I haven’t dug through my research books as I haven’t got those shelves set up, but…

  • books and more books

    I’ve had to come to terms with the fact that I am not going to be doing any more academic research or teaching in my area of specialty. That doesn’t mean I won’t be reading and enjoying what I love,…

  • shelf happiness and a dilemma

    Today we slept uber late and then I went to Costco where I spent a lot of time. Go figure. I saw someone come out with a bag of dog food. Just a bag of dog food. I think they…

  • The end is missing

    I did a ton of work on Tracer this week. I am less than 15K from the end. But I have no idea where it’s going. I wonder if my lizard brain will reveal something soon. I hope so. I…

  • Trace of Magic snippet

    I don’t have much to share today, except that my shelves are finally in and we’ll get them this weekend, and hopefully install them too! (there’s more work to them than just setting them in the house and loading them…

  • Jamie Lee Moyer on Serial Killers

    As I’ve mentioned before, Jamie Lee Moyer has written Delia’s Shadow, a fabulous historical fantasy set in post-earthquake San Francisco. It has amazing characters, a real tangible and textured sense of history and place, romance, crime, ghosts, and a serial…

  • Weird days

    I wrote nearly 4k words today. Keep in mind I’m almost at the end of the book and I still don’t quite know the ending. I do have some strong ideas, and that’s better than where I was the other…

  • Corn Maze Day!

    We had so much fun! It was overcast and hardly anybody was in the maze. Sadly some had blown down in a recent nasty wind storm, but mostly it was standing tall. It was based on Mirkwood and the spiders!!!!…

  • ch ch ch changes

    In the year that we lived apart (the man and the rest of us), my son developed Xbox skills that he didn’t have before and so now the man and boy are whomping on each other in hockey and the…