• Book review: Combatting Fear by Sandy Vaile

    I obtained this book through NetGalley. I really wanted to like this Combatting Fear by Sandy Vaile. The description pulled me in and I thought it was going to be a fun romantic suspense. Plus it’s set in Australia, which…

  • Food that was made

    Tonight we made chow mein and fried rice. Didn’t turn out as well as I hoped, but was still really good. I figure I’ll change some things up next time. For one, I forgot to put oil in the water…

  • Book Review: At Close Range, Laura Griffin

    I really love the Laura Griffin books. They are romantic suspense and have great characters and engrossing plots, but hot and compelling romance. At Close Range is the latest in her Tracers Series, of which I’ve read most, if not…

  • A Friday Riley snippet

    Because it’s Friday and because I can! From book 4 of DCM (which is yet title-less) I pulled back my wandering mind to focus on the task at hand. The difficulty in this situation was me. Null magic in particular.…

  • The Ideas that Rise and a snippet

    I had this image pop into my head: A glass army. I thought about the fact that though the blood would run off them, it would still cling and dry and then I wondered how impervious they would be, if…