• The wild book in progress

    This is from Annie Dillard’s The Writing Life. It’s my go-to book when writing becomes thorny. Here’s where I’m at now. She says it so well.   I do not so much write a book as sit up with it,…

  • fish and barf

    yeah, that’s a hell of a title, isn’t it? Why must blogs be titled? I suck at titles. The man took the kids fishing this weekend while I worked. On Sunday, they caught 15 trout. I don’t like fish. Don’t…

  • Welcome Marianne de Pierres

      Hi Everyone. I’ve talked about Marianne’s books before and I adore them. She’s got a new book out titled Peacemaker. I can’t wait to read it. I’ve got a copy burning through my kindle right now. Before I introduce…

  • back and forward and reading and writing

    The boy went to the gastro yesterday and there are tests underway. One of which requires collecting a stool sample, and so we are waiting for that to, ahem, arrive. But he started barfing even more, despite increasing the dosage…

  • moving right along

    Today I got relatively little accomplished. I read Lisa Shearin’s The Grendel Affair, which was really excellent and you should go read it right now. I liked the characters, the concept, and the worldbuilding. Good action and great camaraderie among…

  • and another day bites the dust

    Boy is still not getting better. Trying all I can to get him into a gastroenterologist sooner rather than later. Holidays make this tougher, as is the need for a pediatric gastroenterologist. Cuts the number of docs that he can…

  • The wicked wind whispers and moans

    It doesn’t have to blow very hard outside to sound like quite a storm in this house. I like it. It’s whistling and moaning outside. Been eating turkey leftovers and walking the dogs and getting ready to (finally) paint my…

  • writing endings and John Pitts

    I finished a chapter today (the one I thought was the last chapter in this book) and promptly started the next last chapter. This ending is one that I’m discovering as I go. I’m feeling my way and it’s frustrating…

  • Jamie Lee Moyer on Serial Killers

    As I’ve mentioned before, Jamie Lee Moyer has written Delia’s Shadow, a fabulous historical fantasy set in post-earthquake San Francisco. It has amazing characters, a real tangible and textured sense of history and place, romance, crime, ghosts, and a serial…

  • bye bye days

    The days are just rushing by, aren’t they? In a good way. Kids brought home disease already and I caught it today. Trying not to succumb. The man went and bought me some sprite. It’s good to be married to…