• Tasty books

    I just read Delia’s Shadow by Jamie Lee Moyer. It is so freaking good. It’s set in post earthquake/fire San Francisco. There are ghosts and a serial killer and I loved it. In other news, I’m writing up a storm…

  • In which life happens

    Dad had heart valve replacement surgery on Thursday. This is done through an angio procedure and apparently is a very very delicate thing to do. Four doctors have to do it and there’s only a 52% chance of success. It…

  • Where does the time go?

    I heard from a friend the other day that faculty meetings start this next week. I won’t be there. I wanted to drink some champagne. Because, you know, I always love me some faculty meetings and I wanted to drink…

  • Some announcements

    First, please remember that I’m taking part in the SFWA reading series. Laura Ann Gilman is hosting the program, Phyllis Irene Bradford will also be reading. To register, go here. That’s tomorrow (Weds., 14th) in Portland. Mindy Klasky has a…

  • Damn and Damn Again

    The news worsens with my friend with spinal meningitis/encephalitis. She has a blood clot in her leg and has been sent to Salt Lake City. Because she also has a brain bleed, treatment is tricky. Praying hard for her. On…

  • I’m grumpy

    I have no idea why I’m grumpy, except packing and stress from that. It’s annoying being grumpy. Boy and girl are being clingy. I get that. But it’s driving me nuts. And then the dogs are upset. One peed in…

  • Meet Krista Ball and Learn Very Cool Things

    A little while ago, I was asked to read with the possibility of blurbing Krista Ball’s new book, What Kings Ate and Wizards Drank. It is currently available in electronic form and will shortly be available in print form. I…

  • A bizzard? Really?

    We had a blizzard today. A thunder blizzard. It didn’t last long, but we had whiteout conditions and meanwhile the thunder was just rolling. It was pretty cool actually, but mostly because I was in the house, not outside trying…

  • Welcoming Martha Wells

    Hi Everyone. I’ve been wanting to get Martha over to my blog for the longest time. I love, no, LOVE, her books. The first in her latest series is The Cloud Roads, which I devoured and meant to come and…