• See? I can learn a lesson if I want to

    Last night while either trying to fall asleep, or after having woken up, I had couple of writing epiphanies about the next Tracer book. I turned on the light and wrote them down. This morning I’d forgotten one of them.…

  • fish and barf

    yeah, that’s a hell of a title, isn’t it? Why must blogs be titled? I suck at titles. The man took the kids fishing this weekend while I worked. On Sunday, they caught 15 trout. I don’t like fish. Don’t…

  • things that happen while plotting

    Plotting next Crosspointe book. Again. Some things that have arisen, and yes, these were said out loud to me by me because I can talk out loud to myself. Why? Also, the plotting music started out as Mumford and Sons…

  • so far so

    I finished the re-issue edits for The Black Ship. Not a lot of changes overall, but fixing scan errors and some clunkiness. I still like this book a lot. It looks like Trace of Magic will be available August 1.…

  • Thursday

    After a slight meltdown this week–an intersection of many difficult things–I have been trying to put in a lot more extra hours on the writing. It’s paying off. I finished the revision of Trace of Magic, finished the page proofs…

  • What day is it?

    It’s been a rough week for the boy. The test we had scheduled got canceled because he has to be off one of his drugs for a week. So that is now rescheduled for next Friday. In the meantime, he’s…

  • Trace of Magic Snippet

    I finally FINALLY finished my revision of Trace of Magic and sent it back to my editor. I really like it and hope that I’m right. Anyhow, in honor of finishing, here’s a snippet for you.   A week later,…

  • accumulation of stuff

    That title isn’t all that accurate. I’m not talking about actual stuff, but stuff I wanted to talk about. And life. The first thing is odd. I was driving home from Norwescon and saw a billboard that said “Jesus died…

  • Bad movie watching

    Watched Pitch Perfect. Far more bad language than anticipated, but the girlie loved the music and dancing and there were some moments of fun. Watching Battleship now. Same thing. Moments of fun, lots of action, and humor. Good cast. Not…