• A book giveaway

    You can win a book! You can choose Blood Winter or others. Short and Sweet reviews is having a one year Blogoversary giveaway. So check it out.

  • checking in from the lovely coast of Oregon

    We’ve been having a good time. It’s misty in the morning and sunny in the afternoons. Been walking down to the various beaches and enjoying ourselves enormously. Well, mostly. See, I’m sometimes clutzy. My nickname is Clodzilla. Here’s why: That…

  • Getting ready for the coast

    I finished the copy edits on Blood Winter this week and sent them back. It’s crazy how much of that book has been written or otherwise in this travel trailer. Not exactly the best atmosphere for working, and no reference…

  • In Salem

    Made the drive to Salem in about 13 hours and in one day. So happy to see the man and to be able to spend time together. Sunday we went and looked at some houses. It’s amazing how awful some…

  • In the name of updatery

    Did you know that if you don’t write a blog post, nothing happens? I mean, no words magically appear? It’s exactly like book writing. If you don’t write the words, they don’t just show up on the screen. Darnit. I’ve…

  • Friday Funnies

    I ran across this one and thought it was pretty amusing. ADULT: A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the middle. BEAUTY PARLOUR: A place where women curl up and dye. CHICKENS: The…

  • Writing

    Progressed some on the writing today and it’s interesting to see how the world develops and how the characters develop. It goes slower than I want, but sort of in that way that happens when you’re wandering through an antique…

  • Bad luck comes in ???

    Today I woke up to find a dead fish in the fish tank. He looked pretty rough. I think he might have been doing things he shouldn’t. Anyhow, he’s gone to a burial at sea. Later today, a big windstorm/thunder/lightning…

  • computer talk

    Let’s start by saying I’m not a tech person. I frequently have NO idea what I’m doing. But I found out about this program call CleanMyMac the other day and so I got it for my two macs. Cleaned up…

  • Things that infuriate

    I was checking out my stats today on my blog, and it was disheartening, nay infuriating, to discover that several people had found my website by searching for free versions (aka pirated versions) of my books. I’m assuming that after…