• Dirty Deeds Gonna Get Done!

    Are you ready for it a fabulous book? Let’s whet your appetite if not. Here are TWO snippets, one from Devon Monk, one from Faith Hunter. You’re going to love them! And at the bottom of this post, you’ll have…

  • Mid-October

    I’m typing away on The Elf Job. It’s the second Mission: Magic book. It’s going to be really fun (I’m nearly done), but I’m converting it from 1st person to 3rd person and that makes for a bit of a…

  • Back! From Outer Space!

    Yes, I’ve not been here for a long time. Why is that? Well, Covid for one. It’s been tough with the family and helping out my elderly parents. We helped them sell their house and move. Well, basically we had…

  • Ack!

    How are all of you holding up with the coronavirus? Got fun stuff going on at all? Want to kill family members? I get out every day to walk the dogs, though a lot of the time I just want…

  • checking in

    I haven’t posted in a long while and I don’t know why. It’s crazy. Updates seem silly given the coronavirus, but yanno, life has to go on to. But let me ask you how you’re doing? I’m in Oregon and…

  • Dead in Dublin by Catie Murphy

    First, so you know, I got Dead in Dublin from Netgalley. Also, Catie’s a friend and I love her books in general, and pounced on this one super fast because it sounded so good and did I say I love…

  • Brain Fatigue

    I was talking with a friend today about the concept of brain fatigue. This is when your brain slows down, becomes uncreative, thinking is labor intensive and so very difficult, and you’re walking around in a fog and you’re forgetful.…

  • Dalton

    Here’s the thing about Dalton: he’s the tall, dark, and handsome type who rarely talks. Think Clint Eastwood in all the Spaghetti Westerns. Or even John Wick. But this book he’s got to be more talkative. Because it’s important. So…

  • DCM 5

    It appears Josh (Taylor’s ex-fiance and kidnap victim from Book 1) has returned. His first meeting with Taylor (and Dalton) doesn’t go so well. There appears to be some friction. Wonder why that is. Hmmm. *grin* This scene is a…