• And counting

    One day down, two days left of this semester. Did my last faculty senate meeting today. That’s six years out of seven that I’ve served. I’m ready for a break. Kind of interested in a different committee though. Might talk…

  • clean house discoveries

    A number of years ago when I bought my first macbook, I got a free iPod Touch. I haven’t used it a bunch, but I did buy this little radio-dock to set it in. That was also a few years…

  • Why must the bathroom get so dirty?

    I’ve had one of those weeks that’s a combo of busy plus lazy plus mopey plus cold plus mommy plus somewhat constructive. Had one of those weeks? On the constructive side, which seems to be the most interesting really, I…

  • in search of a project

    I need to start a new crochet project. I don’t know what I want it to be. Something relatively easy, but something I can learn to do new. I’m sure I have things in my books or online, but that…

  • This may sound odd

    Today is another day I’m not dying of cancer. Does that sound odd? I have friends who are younger than I am or same age (I’m 45) who either are managing cancer or have become incurable. Chances are, even managing…

  • Winner and . . .

    AddrienneM wins the giveaway! Send me an email. dpf AT dianapfrancis DOT com Boy has made it back to school for one whole day. Yay. Girlie’s birthday is tomorrow. I baked treats today for her class and tomorrow I will…

  • Writing Villainy

    I’ve been thinking about villainy. I keep thinking about Tolstoy’s first line from Anna Karenina: Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. What does that have to do with villainy? you might ask.…

  • Should have known better

    First an update on boy. Boy has nothing specific wrong with him that the doc can see without going into a lot of tests. We’re going to try an anti nausea and antacid first, in case whatever he has had…

  • Two Incredibly Important Things

    First, I’m giving away another Amazon certificate. Forgot how much. Like maybe 10-15 bucks. Comment here to win. Say something entertaining if you like. In fact, tell me how much you love the gym . . . And to go…