• If

    If you are planning to come look at and possibly buy our house, please come soon. It’s very clean right now. I have kids. It will not last.

  • At last

    The block is now over. I have grading, but I’m mostly done until the next class. Yesterday we put the house on the market again. Tomorrow we have showing. Whoohoo! I hope something comes of it. I’m a little shocked.…

  • anybody seen my lungs?

    I’m in the land of the hack/cough so hard it makes me want to throw up and I swear I keep losing my lungs. They just fly out of my head and get all lint and dog-hair covered, which is…

  • I had a plan

    Today I had the plan of going to Missoula to do some location research on Blood Winter. Sadly I have now come down with the kid crap. Illness rarely keeps me awake unless it’s significant, and unless I am coughing.…

  • the days keep coming

    I’ve just discovered something that probably everybody else already knew. But I’m sharing anyhow. For the past couple weeks, I’ve paused on the white Chuck Lorre Productions page that pops up after The Big Bang Theory, and I’ve read the…

  • the day before heart day

    I think people should use Valentine’s day to get their heart checked out. I know, it’s been said before, but really, you can’t be in love if you’re dead. Today the girlie is sick. Bad fever and a bad cough.…

  • household conversations

    Boy: Girl is taking forever to get dressed. Me: Well, it’s not forever. I mean, forever is infinite, so you can’t really know it’s forever until forever is over, unless she shows up first. Boy: It’s a metaphor. Man: I’ve…

  • Whew.

    Bad things at work today. That’s all I can say. A bad week all around for work. If I could smite, I would be smiting. Then barfboy calls to get picked up after lunch. Only he didn’t eat lunch. I…

  • the day that was

    We had a doggie setback this a.m. I let him in from his morning constitutional and when I went to pet him, I somehow knocked him off balance and he sat down. It hurt him. A lot. He wouldn’t put…