• web inept

    On Monday I start a new class teaching how to build a webzine. Because of issues on campus, I elected to buy a domain and have it hosted off campus. I did that. I am now waiting for that to…

  • How I got my agent

    Some people wonder how authors came by their agents and I thought I’d give my very short story here. I had finished Path of Fate and developed my submission package. I started submitting out query letters to agents and publishers…

  • Saturday fades into the dust

    I’m sick. Last night the man was puking and chills/shakes/sweats/aches. Now I’ve got them, except not puking. Yet. Bad aches though. Joints, head, and I slept about half the day away. Been reading some, but not much else. I’m not…

  • painting and cat-dogs

    Today we have been prepping our front room for painting. We moved furniture and pictures, spackled, sanded, put down paint cloths, plastic and etc, and then primered. We also went and got paint. Tomorrow it’s full scale painting. You have…

  • The weekend

    The update on Guster goes like this. It looks like he’s had a rib broken before. He shies significantly from fast movements and feet. I frequently pet my dogs with my feet. I tried to do that with him and…

  • Dog rescue, the signing, and a request

    First, the signing was fun. Not a lot of traffic, but then again, there was a lot of stuff going on in town last night and I knew there would be some limitations. But books were sold, fun was had,…

  • Wednesday

    Today we got a new washer. Our old one died and the repair costs were as much as a new one, so . . . It required a 2 hour drive to Bozeman (and 2 back). Costco had none. They…

  • It’s possible I’m nuts

    I switched to Macs because I didn’t want a massive learning curve, I hate setting up MS when I first get a computer, and it seems to take forever to be able to get started with a PC. So what…

  • A day in which I did not write

    I meant to write today. I did, really. But it turns out when all you do is write for a couple of weeks and before that write and do jobbery, life stuff piles up. So today I made with the…

  • panic and flailing

    I back up my work. I put it in dropbox and put it on another machine and I have the time machine backups on two computers and I print out each chapter as it’s done. So this isn’t that kind…