• A post is made

    I got writing done today. It was the most focused writing day I’ve had in awhile. Felt almost like I was back to normal. Of course keeping the children out was nearly impossible. School starts in a month. I’m holding…

  • That good ole beginning

    I always have psychological trouble with beginnings. Even though I KNOW it’s not set in stone and that I’ll go back and revise it and probably it will vanish forever and be replaced with something else, I always have trouble…

  • Sweeping some things up

    Culling out the old life means cancelling some things and getting rid of some things, including www.twistedink.net . I had to pay for it myself for students to develop an online webzine. The department apparently didn’t feel it was important…

  • Coast

    Went to the coast today and walked for a ways with the fam and dogs. It was lovely. But when we got out there we realized that we didn’t think to bring jackets and it was gray with fog and…

  • moving right along

    I’m never quite sure when it’s accurate to say I lost another pant size. But today I put on a pair of pants I haven’t worn in a long long time. A size down from what I’ve been wearing, and…

  • Bleedy bleedy bleedy and appearances

    If I was a knight and I was required to swing a sword, I’d probably have no legs. Or arms. Pretty much I’d be the Monty Python Black Knight. Sigh. Reading Laura Anne Gilman‘s Heart of Briar. It’s pretty damned…

  • Progress

    I found my promotion and tenure folder and files today. Inside is all the evidence I used for obtaining promotion and tenure.  I didn’t add anything to it after that, really. I don’t have any expectation of ever going back…

  • Somewhat diminishing boxes

    There are two reefs of boxes in the house. One is essentially books. It is quite large. I will have to cull. I did not dig deep enough before. The second is everything else. It is diminishing somewhat. Today I…

  • Desk, berries, wild plums, oh my!

    I got the desk. It’s lovely. Heavy and lovely. Here it is (the pic is kind of dark.).   The side part of the desk adjusts as far as how far it extends. It has the keyboard tray, but I won’t…